Order your own custom printed

Advent calendars

The interest in creating custom advent calendars with printing has increased significantly in recent years. Companies in various industries have found great profitability in the product, as it attracts both new customers and strengthens the relationship with existing ones. An advent calendar with printing not only provides increased visibility for your brand but also serves as a perfect way to boost your sales, launch new products, and create engagement and presence with your customers. Learn more about how to get started with your custom-designed calendar.


Work with a packaging expert


Get started

Working with us doesn’t just result in a sleek design; you’ll be collaborating directly with a packaging expert who has a firm grasp on everything from construction and selecting the right model for the contents to materials, printing techniques, and timelines to ensure timely delivery. Start by visiting our showroom for a meeting; we guarantee you’ll leave with plenty of inspiration, new ideas, and valuable input to kickstart your calendar project.

Book meeting
How to go fram idea to finished project

Questions to answer

1. Ambition: How many do we expect to sell?
2. Content: What products? How many doors? (4 – 12 – 24)
3. Positioning: Budget, Premium, or Luxury?
4. Launch: When do we need delivery?
Action: Time to get started! Book a digital or physical meeting with Avisera.

Meet us


Start with a meeting at Avisera’s showroom and choose the model of advent calendar that suits your business and your products.


Design the calendar yourself or enlist the help of our amazing graphic designers to create a calendar with a wow factor.

Project management

We help you turn vision into reality. Your contact person will be your own project manager who ensures that everything goes smoothly, looks the way you want, and is delivered on time.

Sustainable solutions

We assist you in making sustainable packaging choices.

Delivery on time

Our order monitors ensure that your advent calendars are delivered to you on time.


Our order monitors ensure that your advent calendars are delivered to you on time.


“There is a commitment from Avisera in everything they choose to do, which is really enjoyable. They are attentive and also come up with good suggestions.”

Contact us

    About printed advent calendars

    An advent calendar with printing is now common in many different industries. Every year, we see more brands investing in advent calendars with custom designs and products on the market. The printed advent calendar is a fun product that provides ample creative space, and the possibilities seem endless. In the beauty industry, it’s almost more of a rule than an exception for cosmetics or skincare brands to have their own advent calendar, with its graphic expression and construction renewed each year. But in recent years, we’ve seen everything from tea, gin, underwear, coffee, and even muesli packaged in a calendar.

    Men det är inte bara adventskalenderns inbjudande paketering, spännande färgval och design som gör dem så populära bland varumärken. Kalendrar ger företag möjligheten att placera upp till 24 produktprover i händerna på konsumenten och det är en stor försäljningsmöjlighet för varumärkesägare att delta i en julkalender.

    En adventskalender med eget tryck och design kan vara allt från en enkel till avancerad produktion. Det beror helt på dina önskemål, material och konstruktion för kalendern. Vi börjar med ett möte där vi tittar på olika adventskalendrar, så hjälper vi dig att fatta konkreta beslut gällande produkt, konstruktion, packning av produkter och att sätta upp en rimlig tid- och leveransplan.